For Better Student and Campus Services
in the Age of Globalization

Messages from Japanese University Cooperatives
SHOJI Kokichi, Former President,
National Federation of University Cooperative Associations,
copyright December 18th, 2014

 University cooperatives are pioneers of non-governmental organizations in Japan. We have been striving for better universities and campus life.

 University Cooperatives in Nurturing 21st Century Sovereign People: For the International Decade of Co-operatives, 2011-2020 (December 2nd, 2013)

Setting Co-operatives and Coperation to Take Root in Higher Education (November 3rd, 2013)

 Cooperation, Collaboration, Independence and Participation: Developing University Co-op Activities throughout Japan and the World (June, 2008)

 For University and College Cooperatives: a message from Asia (October, 2007)

 The Role of University Co-ops in Student Support in Japan (June, 2007)